OrthopedicSpecialistsOfFlorida.com is a comprehensive website providing the public with a free resource listing every orthopedic surgeon and every associated service within Florida (including : physical therapy centers, radiology suites, physiatrists, pain management services, orthotic and brace providers, as well as hospitals and surgical centers). Our intentions are to provide the orthopedic patient with one easy site to find information regarding every possible orthopedic need.
Subscribing clients will have their complete contact information displayed along with a direct weblink to their office website on the top portion of the webpage. Non-subscribing clients will also be listed; however, their contact information will not be displayed.
Listings of clients will be sorted alphabetically, as well as by location (county). Thus, patients will be able to quickly and easily find the exact care that they require.
The annual subscription fee is a nominal $49.95 per listing.
[For Orthopedic Company (O&P, Braces) Submissions, CLICK HERE ]
A listing may be for an individual practitioner and/or group practice name. Individual practitioners within a group practice may add their separate listing with an additional subscription fee.
Additionally, each office address listed for either a group practice or individual practitioner will be considered a separate subscription.
A subscriber’s listing will include :
-Subscriber’s name (group or individual)
-Hospital Affiliation(s)
-Office address
-Phone and Fax numbers
-E-mail address
-Direct link to subscribers personal website
-Additional line of text in which subscriber may provide further information regarding one’s practice (unique languages spoken, unique surgeries performed, special group or team affiliations).
-Free updates to subscriber's contact information.
By subscribing, you will significantly increase your practice’s visibility within multiple search engines and most importantly focus your advertising on a targeted market where your visibility matters most. Clearly, one referral from OrthopedicSpecialistsOfFlorida.com to your office will more than cover the small expense of subscribing while significantly increasing your on-line exposure.
To subscribe, please complete the requested information below. You will subsequently be emailed a tentative version of your listing for approval along with an invoice.
FOR CONTACT PURPOSES ONLY (the below information will NOTappear on your listing)